主力發展曲奇的原因 從2011年開始,每逢到聖誕節Liza便會以自己烘焙的各式曲奇作為小禮物送給朋友。怎料到廣受朋友們的喜愛和讚賞,並要求再encore。 到了2013年她更以訂單型式接受訂購,並為公司製作各式各樣曲奇作為節日派對之西點。 經過這數年烘焙經驗,讓她感受到只是一盒曲奇,便能與很多朋友分享到喜悅並帶給他們歡樂,因此令她鼓起勇氣發展下去。 之後的日子她會繼續努力練習,四處參考各產品的製造,並作多方面鑽研集合了實際的技能並加上自己的創作構思,Liza 便下定決心開始製作各式西點與大眾分享她對糕點的熱情。
Reasons for building her cookie kingdom Starting from 2011 onwards, Liza would bake cakes and cookies to her friends as presents during Christmas times. With surprisingly good reputation and feedback, Liza started to receive orders from the market at 2013, helping the companies to provide cookies and cakes for party functions. Within these several years of backing experience, Liza noticed that a box of cookies is not just a box of cookies, it can bring joy and happiness to others, Because of this reason, Liza decided to build her empire.
From now onwards, Liza promised you that she will keep on practicing her baking skills, improving her baking knowledge and to bring more creative cookies to you! Sharing these joyful cookies with you!